ITALY, ESTONIA / 15 MIN. / 2020 / FICTION / DCP 2K / 2.00:1 / STEREO /COLOR
Anna Bonasso, Roberto Accornero, Lorenzo Demaria, Jurij Ferrini, Andrea Nicolini, Paola D'Acquila, Gabriele Bocchio, Michela di Martino
Gabriele Monaco, Damiano Monaco, Lucio Lionello, Simone Gigiaro
Damiano Monaco, Lucio Lionello
H12 Film, Ouvert, Infrared Film
Francesco Crivaro
Isabella Bruschi
Damiano Monaco, Lucio Lionello
Mirko Guerra
Andrea Cremisi, Daniel Cremisi
Lisa Stefani & Gabriele Salvo Buzzanca
Chiara Fucà
Damiano Monaco, born in Turin (Italy), on January 31st 1986. I obtained a BA in Digital & Virtual Design from the European Institute of Design (IED) in Turin, Italy, with honours. I am co-founder of H12 FILM, film production company. I am the producer of all the works realized by H12 FILM since 2007, shorts and documentaries. I have directed several documentaries and the fictional short movie “Tempi Morti”.
Lucio Lionello, born in Turin (italy) on Oct. 12th,1964. In 1991 he graduated at Turin Department of Humanities in Film Studies: History and Criticism. In between 1988 and 1996 he collaborates as film co-director with Alessandro Tannoia with whom he realizes several short films presented at the most important Italian and European film festivals. During this period of time he exhibits ten different short films at the Turin Film Festival. In 1991 he won with the short film, Where Everything Is the 2nd prize Italian shorts at the Turin Film Festival. In 1993 the short film Out Of Here wins the "Italian shorts" at the 50th Exhibition of the Venice Film Festival.