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Manuale di storie dei cinema_Still 2 hq web
Manuale di storie dei cinema_Still 3 hq web

Manuale di Storie dei Cinema

Handbook of Movie Theaters’ History

ITALY / 20 MIN. / 2019 / DOCUMENTARY / DCP 2K / 2.35:1 / STEREO / COLOR & B/W

Subtitles available: English
Handbook of Movie Theaters’ History is a documentary about the history, the development in the present days and the future of movie theaters in the city of Turin, Italy. It mixes the documentary language with comedy and fiction, and is enriched by interviews to some of the most important voices of Turin cinematography. The film follows the evolution of movie theaters by enlightening its main milestones: the pre-cinema experiences in the late 19th Century, the colossals and the movie cathedrals of the silent era, the arthouse theaters, the National Museum of Cinema, the Torino Film Festival, the movie theaters system today and the main hypothesis about its future. The mission of Handbook of Movie Theaters’ History is to explore and give back to the audience a deep reflection about the identity and the value of movie theater, in its social and anthropological role and as a mass media, and to analyze the experience of the viewer.
Manuale di storie dei cinema è un documentario che racconta la storia dei cinema di Torino, ne analizza il presente e avanza ipotesi sulle prospettive future della sala cinematografica. Ibridando il genere documentario con la commedia e arricchendo la narrazione con diverse scene di fiction e con interviste ad alcune delle voci più importanti del cinema e della cultura torinese, il film segue in senso cronologico l’evoluzione dell’esercizio cinematografico cittadino: dalle esperienze di pre-cinema alla fine dell’Ottocento; alle eccellenze di inizio Novecento, come produzioni del muto e cinema di lusso; poi sale d’essai, Museo del Cinema e festival; fino all’attualità e alle ipotesi sulle sale del futuro, nel più ampio contesto nazionale contemporaneo. Manuale di storie dei cinema si pone l’obiettivo di approfondire e restituire allo spettatore una riflessione sull’identità e sul valore della sala cinematografica, nel suo ruolo sociale, antropologico e mediale, e uno studio dei meccanismi di fruizione dell’esperienza cinematografica.

more information

Festivals & Awards
  • Torino Film Festival (Italy, 2019) – winner Premio Torino Factory
  • San Gio Verona Video Festival (Italy, 2020)
  • Bellaria Film Festival (Italy, 2020)
  • Storia in Corto (Italy, 2020)
  • Accordi @ Disaccordi International Film Festival (Italy, 2020)
  • Sardinia Film Festival (Italy, 2020)
  • Via dei Corti Festival del Cinema Breve (Italy, 2020) – winner Best Documentary Film
  • Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Salerno (Italy, 2020) – Special Mention
  • Filmare la Storia (Italy, 2021) – winner Premio Paolo Gobetti, under 35
  • Festival del Cinema Città di Spello (Italy, 2021)
  • Cisterna Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • RAM Film Festival – Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico di Rovereto (Italy, 2021)
  • Francigena Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Amarcort Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Doku Baku International Documentary Film Festival (Azerbaijan, 2020)
  • Festival du Cinéma Européen de Lille (France, 2021)
  • Izmit Short Film Festival (Turkey, 2020) – winner Best International Documentary Film
Interviews & Reviews

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Carlo Valli, Martina Donà, Giaime Alonge, Giorgio Serra, Gabriele Bocchio, Cesare Scova

written and directed by

Stefano D'Antuono, Bruno Ugioli

production company

Fuoricampo Film

executive producer

Stefano D'Antuono, Bruno Ugioli, Riccardo Menicatti


Bruno Ugioli


Gaia E. Olmo

sound designer

Bruno Ugioli


Stefano Danusso, Cristiano Lo Mele


Donato Sansone

distribution & world sales


Stefano D'Antuono - bio

Stefano D’Antuono (Como, 1991). He moves to Turin to study filmmaking at DAMS and begins to work as a projectionist at Cinema Lux. Since 2016 he writes two educational feature films produced by Feel Center and Rai Cinema. Nowadays he is responsible of events and special screenings at Cinema Lux, art director of the festival Fuori Mercato Como Independent Film Festival, founded by him in 2017 and collaborates with Centro di Ricerca Cinedumedia -’Università di Torino. With Bruno Ugioli & Riccardo Menicatti, he is part of Fuoricampo Film since 2011 making short films, videoclips and commercials. ​

Bruno Ugioli - bio

Bruno Ugioli (Turin, 1989). He studied filmmaking at DAMS with a thesis on Coen Brothers. He started working as an operartor’s assistant and editor’s assistant for Rai and Freemantle Media. Since 2013 he is an author, operator, editor, filmmaker for different turinese production houses. Regular collaborator of Centro di Ricerca Cinedumedia - Università di Torino, Rec TV, Fondazione Carlo Molo Onlus & Cinelabio, with documentary films, commercials, interviews and events reportage. With Stefano D’Antuono & Riccardo Menicatti, he is part of Fuoricampo Film since 2011 making short films, videoclips and commercials. ​