Ashley Marie Eden
Celeste Prezioso
Celeste Prezioso
Celeste Prezioso, Ashley Marie-Eden
Celeste Prezioso, Abalén Najle
Federico Demarchi
Ariel Feldman, Carola Forster, Carmen Rivoira, Abalén Najle
Julieta Bernstein
Juan Porra
Viceversa Traducciones
Celeste Prezioso was born in Bs As., Argentina. She graduated in Andy Goldstein´s school as a photographer, but in 2016 she changed to cinema. She learned in a self-taught way how to film and edit her own material, exploring the documentary format. In 2019, she was selected to participate in the cinema program at Torcuato Di Tella University, where she concluded her official debut “Hi, Sweety.”, selected in the Argentine shorts competition of the 35 Mar del Plata international Film Festival.