
Manuale di Storie dei Cinema

Handbook of Movie Theaters’ History

ITALY / 97 MIN / 2021 / DOCUMENTARY / DCP 2K / 2.39:1 / STEREO / COLOR
Subtitles available: English, Spanish
From the first screenings by the Lumière brothers to the closure of cinemas due to the pandemic, going through all the key steps of a 120 years long-lasting adventure. Handbook of movie theaters’ history talks about the evolution of the movie theaters’ and digs into their social and cultural value. Would it know how to re-establish itself as a strong and stable space to share emotions, how would the future movie theaters’ be like? Which viewers would attend to it? Handbook of movie theaters’ history tries to answer these questions by analyzing how the movie theaters’ businesses in Turin adapted and reinvented themselves through time to finally achieve a global picture of the situation.
Dalla prima proiezione dei fratelli Lumière alla chiusura dei cinema causa pandemia, toccando le tappe fondamentali di un’avventura lunga 120 anni, Manuale di storie dei cinema racconta l’evoluzione della sala cinematografica e ne indaga il valore sociale e culturale. Se saprà riconfermarsi uno spazio di condivisione forte e stabile, come funzionerà la sala cinematografica di domani? E quali spettatori la frequenteranno? Manuale di storie dei cinema prova a rispondere a queste domande, prendendo le mosse dal racconto della storia dell’esercizio torinese per arrivare ad una prospettiva globale.
Desde las primeras proyecciones de los hermanos Lumière hasta el cierre de los cines por la pandemia, a través de todas las etapas fundamentales de una aventura que dura 120 años, Manuale de Historias de Cines narra la evolución de la sala cinematográfica e indaga sobre su valor social y cultural.

more information

Festivals & Awards
  • Glocal Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Ischia Global Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Vittoria Peace Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Villa de Leyva (Colombia, 2021)
  • Vittoria Peace Film Festival (Italy, 2021)
  • Festival de Cine Global de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic, 2022)
  • Edera Film Festival (Italy, 2022)
Interviews & Reviews
  • “Un inno alla dimensione reale e fisica della visione cinematografica, oggi a rischio a causa dalla pandemia, e dalle strategie messe in atto per contrastarla. Un film-manifesto che arriva a denunciare l’insostenibilità della condizione di tutto il settore, con la fiducia e la speranza che ciò diventi presto una delle storie dei cinema.” Camera Look by Massimo Arico
  • Quando la visione diventa condvisione” Cinematographe
  • “Un film indubbiamente interessante, che sa parlare a tanti spettatori diversi tra loro, ma che oggi più di ieri è importante proprio per queste ragioni”. Cinefacts by Fabrizio Cassandro
  • Torino Magazine
  • Agenda Cinema Torino
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Carlo Valli, Martina Donà, Giaime Alonge, Gabriele Bocchio, Giorgio Serra, Ascanio Fiori, Riccardo Menicatti, Bruno Ugioli

written and directed by

Stefano D'Antuono & Bruno Ugioli

produced by

Rossofuoco s.a.s.

executive producers

Stefano D'Antuono, Riccardo Menicatti, Bruno Ugioli

cinematography by

Bruno Ugiol

costumes by

Agostino Porchietto

make up

Giulia Sossich

editing by

Gaia E. Olmo

sound design by

Bruno Ugioli

music by

Ma.Ca.Bro - Stefano Danusso, Cristiano Lo Mele

animation by

Donato Sansone

festival distribution and world sales

theatrical distribution (Italy)

Stefano's Bio

Born at Como in 1991. When he was 17 year old he began to work as a projectionist in his birth town theatre. In 2010 he moved to Turin to study at DAMS and is hired at Cinema Lux, historical cinema of Turin, where he is responsible for events and happenings. In 2017 he founded and directed Fuori Mercato - Como Independent Film Festival. In 2015 he joined Fuoricampo Film where he works as a producer.

Bruno's bio

Bruno Ugioli was born in Turin in 1989, getting a diploma at Istituto Federico Fellini and graduating at DAMS. During his life as a university student, he worked for different production companies. He studied script writing at Scuola Holden and made a stage at Animoka. Since 2013 he has worked as an author, operator, editor and filmmaker for different turinese companies, on documentaries, spots, interviews and reportages. In 2012 he co-founded, with Riccardo Menicatti, Fuoricampo Film, to develop his short films, documentaries and music videos.