Paolo Borgogno, Daniela Scavino, Sara Oggero, Vittorio Mongiero, Paolo Stirano, Don Antonello Pelizzeri, Dario Destefanis, Lorenzo Viberti, Ivan Vietti, Fabio Tarditi, Graziela Saniti, Daniele Piantà, Marco Miscali
Anna Cordioli, Francesco Moroni Spidalieri, Simone Dipietro
Piemonte Documenteur Film Fest, Frana, Panta
Anna Cordioli, Francesco Moroni Spidalieri, Simone Dipietro
Anna Cordioli, Francesco Moroni Spidalieri, Simone Dipietro
Anna Cordioli, Francesco Moroni Spidalieri, Simone Dipietro
Francesco Moroni Spidalieri is an italian filmmaker and musician, graduated in ‘Discipline Cinematografiche’ at Università degli Studi di Torino. In 2011 works as an assistant director, cinematographer and editor on some music videos. In 2013, with Anna Cordioli and Stefano Bertolino, he co-founds the video collective Tumenti making the documentary film ‘Avenida Maracana’ in the favela Borel in Rio de Janeiro, and winning the Lazzaro Video Contest at Wired Italy with the videoclip ‘Lazzaro’ for the music band ‘Subsonica’. With Anna Cordioli he co-founds the collective FRANA Smashing Videos, making many videoclips, trailers and documentaries for the theatre scene.
Anna Cordioli is an italian filmmaker and videomaker graduated in Media Languages at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milanom and in Discipline Cinematografiche at Università degli Studi di Torino. Co-founder of the collective TuMenti. In 2015 he studies ‘Low Budget Film Production’, at Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión de Cuba. That year she is part of a 19 Million Project, winning the hackathon with her group’s project: Migrant's Voice. In 2016 with Francesco Moroni Spidalieri she co-founds FRANA Smashing Video collaborationg with many theatre groups and organizations. In 2023 she makes a podcast ‘Pentole e Passione, recipes to survive being thirty years old with Francesco Moroni Spidalieri and Elisa Rossetto. Nowadays she collaborates with Panta Production and is developing two short films.
Simone Dipietro, italian filmmaker, has always been passionate about photography. He studied at Istituto Europeo di Design specializing in Street Photographt. With Stefano Fiorina is the co-founder of the photography collective Pomodori Fla$h. In 2017 is one of the finalists at “food sustainability awards” promoted by Barilla and Reuters with a project against food waste called ‘the gleaners”. From 2015 to 2021 he works in video editing and post-production at I Cammelli. In 2020 he creates LSDR a collective that develops video mapping and installations. That same year he is the cinematographer of a fashion film called Woodland Liturgy that participated at Milano Fashion Film Festival 2021. In 2022, with the filmmaker Tommaso Montaldo and the sound designer Mattia Corrado, he is the founder of Panta Production, a production company in which he co-produced the film Genoa by Neal Dhand and Mike Johnson.