Renato Liprandi, Jozef Gjura, Oliviero Corbetta, Cesare Scova
Mattia Capone & Alessandro Garelli
Alessandro Garelli, Mattia Capone, Alessandro Mattiolo, Vito Custodero
LMC Vision
Cristina Trio
Vincenzo Lerose, Marco Oggero
Alessandro Mattiolo
Maurizio Fo
Anna Filosa
Alessandro Garelli, Mattia Capone
Marco Montano, Federico Malandrino
Marco Romano
Mario Santercole
Danilo Vittori
Mattia Capone and Alessandro Garelli met and began their collaboration while studying Cinema and Media Engineering. They founded the TOmatografo, a collective created to welcome university projects which soon became a platform on which to publish works, initiatives and events. Their eclectic creativity leads them to experiment, writing and directing in different forms: documentaries, web series, short films. Their first awarded short film is Bar Nazionale, a noir short film produced thanks to the Torino Factory awarded as best short film in collaboration with the Turin Film Festival.