brindisi nocciojto
raccolta nocciole
Edo con nocciolo

Il Nocciòlo della Questione

The Heart of the Matter

ITALY / 10 MIN / 2022 / MOCKUMENTARY / HD / 1.78:1 / STEREO / COLOR
Subtitles available: English, Italian, Spanish

bafici, official selection, shortsfit


A pochi giorni di un importante referendum, la comunità di un piccolo paese deve decidere se continuare con la ricerca scientifica della nocciola che da l’elisir di lunga vita oppure interrompere il tutto e affidarsi alla natura.
Da una parte il Sindaco e molti abitanti del paese sono favorevoli alla ricerca/mercato; dall’altra parte Edoardo, uno dei pochi ad aver mangiato la nocciola dalla lunga vita, si oppone, perché conosce bene il peso di tale dono.
A few days before an important referendum to be held in a small town,  the community will decide: should they continue with the scientific research of the hazelnut that gives the elixir of life or should they stop everything and rely on nature?On the one hand, the Mayor and many inhabitants of the town are in favor of research and do not want to wait for nature to take its course; on the other hand, Edoardo, one of the few to have eaten the long-lived hazelnut, opposes to it, as after having lived for over 200 years he knows well the weight of this gift.
A pocos días de un importante referendum, la comunidad de un pequeño pueblo debe decidir si continuar con la investigación y estudios científicos de la avellana del elixir de la larga vida, o interrumpir todo y confiar en la naturaleza.

Festivals & Awards

Piemonte Documenteur Film Fest – winner Premio della Giuria

Aprilia Film Festival (Italy, 2023) – winner Miglior Documentario

RIR International Comedy Short Film Festival (Spain, 2023) – winner Best Documentary

Amicorti Film Festival (Italy, 2023)

BAFICI (Argentina, 2023)

Food Film Fest – Bergamo  (Italy, 2023)

Festival de cine rural de Ayacucho (Argentina, 2023)

Rurales – Festival De Cine y Cortometraje en el Medio Rural y Natural (Spain , 2023)

Sedicicorto Film Festival (Italy, 2023)

Il – Festa di Roma 2023 (Italy, 2023)

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Sonia's bio

Sonia Iacobone was born in Turin on 23/09/1984, since she was a child she developed a love for art, in particular for music and writing. This passion then led her to explore the language of film and to discover, first as a self-taught and then following some private courses, the technique of shooting and video editing. For several years she carries on her passion in her spare time but one project in particular, a web series entitled L-Ever will give her the necessary push to make her passion a real job.