Alex Banzi, Francesco Meatta, Marco Sansoni
Alex Banzi, Francesco Meatta, Marco Sansoni, Piemonte Documenteur Film Festival
Alex Banzi, Francesco Meatta, Marco Sansoni
Fabio Vassallo
Alex Banzi (1993) was born and raised in Ferrara where he consumed cinema and VHS since he was 6 years old. He studied Social Communications in 2014, where he made his first short film, and in 2019 decided to study filmmaking at Scuola d'Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini di Ferrara. He is fascinated about diversity and the unpredictable.
Francesco Meatta (1995) is an Italian filmmaker, born and raised in Rome. He moved to Bologna to study modern literature and then became a videomaker. In 2019 he decided to study at Scuola d'Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini di Ferrara. He is fascinated about elephants and grotesque faces, his mood is wonder.
Marco Sansoni was born at Ferrara in 1990. Passionate about cinema since he was a child. After different working experiences decided to connect back with his passion and study at Scuola d'Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini di Ferrara in 2019. He is interested in the contradictions and the dark side of men. Emptiness fascinates and torments him.